what are some possible causes of female infertility know about full details

what are some possible causes of female infertility know about full details

Infertility in Women: Be it a woman or a man, the problem of infertility has become a serious problem nowadays. We are saying this because its number is constantly increasing. The most surprising thing is that women and men of young age are facing the problem of infertility. Today we will talk about women, what are the reasons due to which the problem of infertility is increasing so seriously in women.

Bad eating habits and lifestyle increase the risk of infertility. But for your information, let us tell you that many diseases also increase its risk.

PCOS: Nowadays, the young generation of college and school going girls are facing the problem of PCOS. For your information, let us tell you that polycystic ovaries is a hormonal condition. Due to this, most of the girls and women of today are affected. In this disease, lumps start forming in the ovaries.

If this disease becomes severe in men, then the androgen hormone starts increasing in them. Due to this, serious problems like heavy bleeding during periods, facial hairs and acne on the face arise. Due to hormonal imbalance, women with PCOS have a lot of difficulty in conceiving.


In this, endometrial tissue starts forming on the outer layer of the uterus. Due to which there is a lot of pain during periods and the problem of scar tissue starts occurring. Due to endometriosis, problems related to uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries start occurring. Due to this, there may be difficulty in conceiving.


Ovulation can be a problem due to thyroid disorder. Due to this, there can be a possibility of the egg getting fertilized. In thyroid disorder, thyroid hormones can be more or less. Due to which there can be a problem of hormonal imbalance. Due to this, weight can be less or more. It can also cause problems in conceiving.

Apart from all these diseases, there are many other diseases due to which women may face difficulty in conceiving. For example, polyps, fibroids or genetic problems may also cause difficulty in conceiving. It is very important to treat these diseases in time.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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